Opis Travel X/Y/Z: 2000mm/1700mm/800mm, speed: 20000rpm, spindle power: 43kW/64kW, table dimensions X/Y: 2200mm/1000mm, table load capacity: 4000kg, max. workpiece height: 800mm. Tool positions: 30, tool holder: HSK 63 A, max. tool diameter: 90mm, max. tool length: 300mm, rapid traverse: 40m/min, feed: 30m/min. Control: Heidenhain iTNC 530, operating hours: 112274h, spindle hours: 40233h. Including chip conveyor, IKZ, Blum tool probe, Blum laser tool measurement, vibration control, spray gun, internal air cooling and oil mist extraction. The machine only runs on 3 axes. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Huron |
Typ | KX 50 |
Rok produkcji | 2010 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28759 |
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