Opis Packaging capacity: 120 pieces/min, max. product dimensions X/Y/Z: 110mm/50mm/35mm, product diameter range: 20mm/46mm, weight: approx. 900kg. Packaging types: face fold, figure wrap, figure fold, heat seal, double twist wrap, bottom fold, envelope fold, bag fold, top twist, single twist, banding. Products: Figures, chocolate articles, chocolate lollies with a flat base, round or oval products, small bars, small bottles, truffles, balls, eggs, other rotational bodies, bath salt tablets, paraffinized cheese. Materials: All commercially available materials such as aluminum foil, laminated foil, heat-sealing foil and wax paper. Including face folding unit and unwinding station. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Rasch |
Typ | RU |
Rok produkcji | 1970 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28731 |
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