Opis A CNC double-spindle lathe Nakamura including bar loader FMB 65 is available. Turning diameter: 270mm, turning length: 192mm, center height: 1018mm, center distance: 1080mm. Tool diameter: 32mm, max. tool length: 125mm, spindle speed: 5000rpm, spindle clearance main spindle/counter spindle: 51mm/42mm, tool turret: 2, tool positions: 2x12, drive tools: 2x6. Machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 3700mm/1900mm/2000mm, weight: approx. 6500kg. Wear and tear over the years prevents precise work. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Nakamura |
Typ | TW-20 |
Rok produkcji | nieznany |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28710 |
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