Opis Working range X/Y: 2585mm/1650mm, punching force: 220kN, laser power: 3200W (3.2kW), max. material thickness: 8mm, max. workpiece weight: 200kg, tool positions: 21, positioning speed X/Y: 90m/60m/min, simultaneous: 108m/min. Punching capacity: 900 strokes/min, marking capacity: 2800 strokes/min, laser hours: 14061h, operating hours: 81068h. The laser equipment of the machine has not been used for 8 years, only the punching capacities. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. Expected to be available from the end of May 2025. |
Producent | Trumpf |
Typ | Trumatic 6000L (TC 6000) |
Rok produkcji | 2006 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28663 |
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