Innovac GmbH Used machines from Germany
Linia do produkcji okien Schirmer/rotox BAZ 1000
Nr. oferty  INNO28583
A complete Schirmer and Rotox plastic window production line is available. Production capacity: 100 windows/day, max. product dimensions X/Y: 2500mm/3500mm. 1) Processing center Schirmer BAZ 1000 G3 with steel processing, year of construction: 2010, including pre-loading magazine, measuring station, PVC G-module, EKS saw, KKF finishing station, real buffer and belt conveyor. 2) Automatic four-head machine Rotox SMH516, year of manufacture: 2015. 3) Automatic corner cleaning machine Rotox, year of manufacture: 2015. 4) Buffer and distribution system Rotox, year of manufacture: 2015. 5) Rotox sash fitting, year of manufacture: 2015. 6) Frame assembly Rotox, year of manufacture: 2015. 7) Glazing and wedding Rotox. 8) Glazing press Rotox, year of manufacture: 2012. 9) Glazing bead trolley Rotox. 10) Transom milling machine Rotox SAF 165, year of manufacture: 2013. 11) Single-head welding machine Rotox. 12) Glazing bead saw Rotox, year of manufacture: 2008. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible.
Producent Schirmer/rotox
Typ BAZ 1000
Rok produkcji 2015
Cena Na zapytanie
Nr. oferty INNO28583
Zapytanie w sprawie oferty Linia-do-produkcji-okien Schirmer-rotox BAZ-1000 (INNO28583)

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