Opis There are five Hyfra coolers available. 1) Hyfra eChilly 1, cooling capacity: 1kW, coolant: R407C, coolant quantity: 0.35kg, air volume flow: 800m³/h, tank capacity: 6l, water pressure: 2.2bar, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 570mm/580mm/370mm, empty weight: approx. 55kg. 2) Hyfra eChilly 1-S, cooling capacity: 1kW, coolant: R407C, coolant quantity: 0.35kg, air volume flow: 800m³/h, tank capacity: 6l, water pressure: 2.2bar, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 570mm/580mm/370mm, empty weight: approx. 55kg. 3) Hyfra eChilly 3, special design with 440V and 60Hz, cooling capacity: 4kW, coolant: R134a, coolant quantity: 0.65kg, air volume flow: 1290m³/h, tank capacity: 20l, water pressure: 3.3bar, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 720mm/640mm/465mm, empty weight: approx. 63kg. 4) Hyfra Alpha Emulsion 67e, cooling capacity: 67.1kW, coolant quantity: 6kg, coolant: R410A, air volume flow: 15500m³/h, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 1000mm/1000mm/2000mm, empty weight: approx. 480kg. 5) Hyfra Gamma Emulsion 9e, cooling capacity: 9.1kW, coolant quantity: 1.3kg, coolant: R410A, air volume flow: 4500m³/h, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 800mm/800mm/1400mm, empty weight: approx. 140kg. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. Individual sale possible. The machines are packed. The machines have hardly any operating hours. |
Producent | Hyfra |
Typ | eChilly/Alpha/Gamma |
Rok produkcji | 2014 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28431 |
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