Opis Various punches, presses and riveting machines are available for the textile industry. 1) Stanze van Oversteeg SE 8 CE, year of construction: 1999, power: 0.74kW. 2) Stanze van Oversteeg SE 8, year of construction: 1990. 3) Stanze van Oversteeg SE 8, year of construction: 1988, power: 0.75kW. 4) Self-made punch. 5) Pneumatic press Schling DUO-1.5-PH-K, year of manufacture: 1996, pressing capacity: 15kN, stroke: 0mm-50mm. 6) Press HK 500. 7) Press Schling Top-1-H-K, pressing capacity: 10kN, stroke: 25mm. 8) Constantin Hang 101 FS riveting machine. 9) Constantin Hang 141 riveting machine. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Oversteeg/schling/hang |
Typ | SE 8/DUO/TOP/141/101 FS |
Rok produkcji | 1999 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28286 |
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