Opis Ten Kuka KR series robots are available. 1) KR 6 R900 sixx, year of manufacture: 2013, control system: KRC 4 compact. 2) KR 6 R900 sixx, year of manufacture: 2013, control system: KRC 4 compact. 3) KR 16-3 S, year of manufacture: 2013, control system: KRC 4. Parts of the control system are missing. 4) KR R700 sixx, year of manufacture: 2014, control system: KRC 4 compact, operating hours: 29543h. 5) KR 6 R700 sixx, year of manufacture: 2014, control system: KRC 4 compact, operating hours: 28380h. 6) KR 10 R900, year of manufacture: 2018, control system: KRC 4 compact. 7) KR 6 R700, year of manufacture: 2018, control system: KRC 4 compact. 8) KR 22 R1610, year of manufacture: 2018, control system: KRC 4. 9) KR 10 R1100, year of manufacture: 2015, control system: KRC 4 compact, operating hours: 23084h. The robot has an oil leak. 10) KR 10 R900 sixx, year of manufacture: 2018, control system: none, operating hours: 1253h. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. Individual sale possible. |
Producent | Kuka |
Typ | KR 6/KR 10/KR 22 |
Rok produkcji | 2018 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28258 |
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