Opis Three CompAir compressors and four medium-pressure tanks for air from various manufacturers are available. 1/2) Two identical CompAir L75-13A compressors, year of construction: 2005, air volume flow: 10.43m³/min, speed: 3000rpm, motor power: 75kW. 3) Compressor CompAir L22F-7.5, air volume flow: 3.46m³/min, speed: 3000rpm, motor power: 22kW. 4) Air tank. 5) Medium pressure tank Komnino KP-6000, year of construction: 2007, max. pressure: 14bar, volume: 6000l, medium temperature min./max.: -20°C/50°C. 6) Medium pressure tank Montin, year of construction: 1978, volume: 4000l, max. pressure: 10bar, max. medium temperature: 50°C. 7) Medium pressure tank Komnino KP-6000, year of construction: 2005, volume: 6000l, max. pressure: 14bar, medium temperature min./max.: -20°C/50°C. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Compair/komnino |
Typ | L-75/L-22/KP 6000 |
Rok produkcji | 2005 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28227 |
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