Opis Two similar lines are available for the production of cans for the food industry. Line 1: 1) Slitter rewinder, year of manufacture: 1963. 2) MAS AC-PSB720 refrigeration machine, year of manufacture: 2003. 3) Soudronic VAA 20W seamer. 4) Lanico BF211 can seaming machine. 5) Bonfigliolli KBA can inspection machine, year of manufacture: 2003. 6) NSM tray packer, year of manufacture: 1981. 7) Various conveyor belts for linking the machines as a complete line. Line 2: 1) Slitter rewinder. 2) Soudronic VAA-K50 sealing machine, year of manufacture: 1989. 3) Lanico BF211 can seaming machine. 4) Bonfigliolli KBA can inspection machine, year of manufacture: 2001. 5) NSM tray packer. 6) Various conveyor belts for linking the machines as a complete line. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. Single line sale possible. |
Producent | Mas/soudronic/bonfigliolli/nsm |
Typ | AC-PSB720/VAA 20W/KBA |
Rok produkcji | 2003 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28224 |
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