Opis A CNC rigid board milling and drilling center Bimatec Soraluce is available. Travel X/Y/Z: 2500mm/900mm/1600mm, speed: 2000rpm, spindle mount: ISO40/M16, tool positions: 30, transport dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 5300mm/3450mm/3500mm, weight: approx. 13500kg, control: Heidenhain CNC 415, operating hours: 31507h. Including fixed table, movable stand, automatically indexing milling head, manual measuring probe, coolant device and filter system. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Bimatec Soraluce |
Typ | Soramill SL4000 |
Rok produkcji | 1995 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28210 |
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