Opis Travel X/Y/Z: 520mm/360mm/360mm, distance table-spindle nose min./max.: 305mm/665mm. Tool holder: SK40, speed: 10500rpm, torque: 60Nm, spindle bearing diameter: 65mm. Table diameter: 1250mm, T-slot width: 14mm, T-slot spacing: 150mm, table height: 795mm, max. workpiece weight: 2x 180kg. Tool positions: 48, max. tool diameter: 140mm, max. tool length: 300mm. Feed X/Y/Z: 60m/min, max. feed speed: 10m/min, feed force X/Y/Z: 4000N/4000N/8000N. Machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 4300mm/5200mm/3200mm, weight including chip conveyor: approx. 7300kg, control: Fanuc 18i, operating hours: 75970h, parts quantity: 1,354,141. Including work area extraction system, paper belt filter, 40bar IKZ and 90bar hydraulic unit. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. Expected to be available from mid-February 2025. |
Producent | Stama |
Typ | MC 326 |
Rok produkcji | 2009 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28167 |
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