Opis Punching force: 600kN, stroke, infinitely adjustable: 10-50mm, stroke rate with 20mm hole punch: 29/min, punching throat depth: 400mm, working height: 1100mm, max. cutting capacity: 400x16mm, max. L-steel (90° cut): 130x12mm, max. round steel diameter: 40mm, diameter square steel: 40mm, max. sheet thickness: 13mm, blade width: 65mm, blade depth: 85mm, drive power: 7.5kW, weight: 1.78t. Already dismantled, ran until the end, with tools, an on-site inspection is possible, with documentation and spare parts list, was regularly serviced. |
Producent | Peddinghaus |
Typ | Peddimax 601 |
Rok produkcji | 1997 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28154 |
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