Opis Travel X/Y/Z: 760mm/845mm/660mm, A-axis: -125°/+10°, C-axis: 360°, number of pallets: 3 square and 2 round, pallet diameter: 630mm, max. workpiece diameter: 630mm, max. workpiece height: 450mm, max. workpiece weight: 350kg. Speed: 12000rpm, spindle mount: HSK-A63W, spindle power: 22kW. Tool positions: 160, tool magazine: matrix magazine, rapid traverse X/Y/Z: 60m/min, rapid traverse A/C: 25rpm / 220rpm. Machine dimensions X/Y: approx. 7700mm/4000mm, weight: approx. 15000kg, control: Siemens 840 DI. Including Renishaw OMP60, Blum laser measuring system, cooling water recooler with heating function. Tool magazine is defective, therefore only half of the slots can be used. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Matsuura |
Typ | Cublex-63 |
Rok produkcji | 2010 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO28137 |
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