Opis After the closure of an assembly line, various accessories, spare parts and individual small used machines are available. 30+ drives for RNA, Sortimat, ASBA, OKU and Lanco reversible conveyors. 6x Intec BB50 belt hoppers. 4x hydraulic units Maximator and Hawe. 4x Schling Duo-5-PN-K toggle presses. 5x TOX EL 15.30 power packs. 8x linear conveyors with swing arm and left-hand grid. 4x Bihler ET 130.0.G-1000/4 welding transformers. 6x VideoJet Model 1510 inkjet printers. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Rna/sortimat/asba/intec/maximator/tox/videojet/bihler |
Typ | Model 1510/DUO-5-PN-K/BB50/ET180 |
Rok produkcji | nieznany |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO27993 |
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