Opis There are 3 KBA inkjet printers available. 1) KBA alphaJet EVO, year of manufacture: 2011, print height range: 0.8mm-15mm, max. print speed: 460m/min, max. print resolution: 48p, max. number of lines: 8. 2) KBA alphaJET mondo, year of manufacture: 2014, max. line speed: 780m/min, max. number of lines: 5, nozzle diameter: 62µm, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 455mm/350mm/290mm, weight: approx. 20kg. 3) KBA alphaJET C (double head). Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Kba |
Typ | alphaJET EVO/alphaJET mondo/alphaJET C |
Rok produkcji | 2014 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO27968 |
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