Opis X-axis: 2000mm, Y-axis: 500mm, Z-axis: 550mm, Rapid traverse: 60m/min, Spindle speed: 12,000 rpm, Tool holder: HSK-A 63, Number of tool slots: 40, Tool diameter: 75mm, Tool diameter with adjacent free slots: 160mm, Max. tool length: 320mm, Measuring system: Glass scales XYZ, Internal coolant supply: 30 bar at 20 l/min, Control: Heidenhain iTNC 530, Power supply: 25kVA, Weight: 10 tons, Operating hours/Spindle hours: 35,114/14,530h. Includes two spray guns, Knoll PF50/FKA 900 coolant system, chip conveyor, Blum tool breakage control, operating manual, wiring diagram, and hand controller. No clamping devices or tools included. The spindle of the machine is defective and needs to be overhauled. An on-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Chiron |
Typ | MILL 2000 high speed |
Rok produkcji | 2007 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO27856 |
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