Opis Many different plug-in shelving components (support frames and shelf supports) are available. 65x BITO P2 27/10 support frames, year of manufacture: 2010, dimensions X/Y: 1100mm/3500mm. 42x profile shelf supports BITO PT95L-2.700, year of manufacture: 2010, dimensions X: 2700mm. 28x profile shelf supports BITO PT95L-1.800, year of manufacture: 2010, dimensions X: 1800mm. 108x profile shelf supports BITO PT120M-3.600, year of construction: 2010, dimensions X: 3600mm. 18x Röchling TC 304 support frames, dimensions X/Y: 1100mm/2050mm. 112x Röchling INP 100 profile shelf supports, dimensions X: 3300mm. 28x Röchling TC 304 support frames, dimensions X/Y: 1100mm/3150mm. |
Producent | Bito/röchling |
Typ | P2/PT95L/PT120M/INP100/TC304 |
Rok produkcji | 2010 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO27671 |
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