Opis Two compressors and one exhibitor are available. 1) Compressor Renner RSK-Pro 2-30, year of manufacture: 2019, max. pressure: 10bar, volume flow: 4610l/min, power requirement: 30kW, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 1630mm/820mm/1630mm, operating hours: 16276h. 2) Compressor Atlas Copco GA 15, year of manufacture: 1992, max. pressure: 10bar, volume flow: 1610l/min, power requirement: 15kW, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 1160mm/790mm/970mm, operating hours: 53856h. 3) Exhibitor Atlas Copco FD 40, max. pressure: 20bar, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 940mm/470mm/570mm. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Renner/atlas Copco |
Typ | RSK-Pro 2-30/GA 15/FD 40 |
Rok produkcji | 2019 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO27621 |
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