Opis Two Linde gas forklift trucks are available. 1) 4-wheel forklift Linde H20T, year of manufacture: 2007, load capacity: 2000kg, mast type: standard, lift height: 3850mm, overall height: 2546mm, free lift: 150mm, fork length: 1200m, tires: superelastic, operating hours: 3900h. 2) 4-wheel forklift Linde H25T, year of manufacture: 2002, load capacity: 2500kg, lift height: 3050mm, overall height: 2254mm, free lift: 150mm, fork length: 1200mm, tires: Superelastic, operating hours: 6044h. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. |
Producent | Linde |
Typ | H20T/H25T |
Rok produkcji | 2007 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO27557 |
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