Innovac GmbH Used machines from Germany
Maszyny do kontroli tekstyliów Mathis/textechno/white Screen/yuan More BFA12/FPA ME/YG086
Nr. oferty  INNO27519
Various laboratory devices are available for quality testing in the textile industry. 1) Textile dyeing machine Mathis BFA 12, number of beakers: 20, beaker volume: 50ml-1000ml, 2x beakers 3l, 1x beaker 5l, temperature range: 20°C-140°C, temperature gradient: 0.3°C-0.4°C/min, infrared radiators: 3, cooling unit capacity: approx. 500m³/h, rotating disk speed: 65rpm, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 550mm/675mm/760mm, weight: approx. 100kg, control: Univision. 2) Textile tensile tester Textechno FPA ME, year of manufacture: 2000, max. speed of pull-off clamp: 5000mm/min, clamping dimensions X/Y: 46mm/10mm, clamping pressure 3bar/5bar/8bar: 1200N/2000N/3200N, max. clamping distance: 960mm, force transducer: E 10N/E100N/E1000N, accuracy: +/-1%, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 885mm/700mm/1730mm, weight: approx. 200kg, control: Textechno Bus. 3) Illuminated table White Screen Normlight, lighting: 3x 36W, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 1250mm/800mm/850mm. 4) Textile length measuring machine Yuan More YG086, year of manufacture: 2011, measurement: linear yarn density, yarn count: 1-6, frame circumference: 1000mm (+/-1mm), frame speed min./max.: 30r/270r/min, max. yarn frame turns: 9999, yarn traverse stroke: 35mm (+/-0.5mm), single yarn tension range: 0cN-100cN, machine dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 850mm/680mm/550mm, weight: approx. 50kg. 5) Digital microscope Di-Li. 6) Light box Just color Viewing Light. 7) Cardwinder Graf & Co CCW15. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible.
Producent Mathis/textechno/white Screen/yuan More
Typ BFA12/FPA ME/YG086
Rok produkcji 2011
Cena Na zapytanie
Nr. oferty INNO27519
Zapytanie w sprawie oferty Maszyny-do-kontroli-tekstyliów Mathis-textechno-white-Screen-yuan-More BFA12-FPA-ME-YG086 (INNO27519)

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