Opis Version: IRB 6400R/3.0-100, Load capacity: 150kg, Number of axes: 6, Interface: Profibus, Control system: S4C+, Maximum reach: 2800mm, Operating temperature: +5°C/+50°C, Storage temperature: -25°C/+55°C, Weight: approx. 2000kg, Operating hours: 20000h. Without control unit. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible. The robot was overhauled by ABB itself in 2015 and has not been in use since then. It previously had 20000 operating hours. |
Producent | Abb |
Typ | IRB6400 M2000 / 3.0-100 |
Rok produkcji | 2015 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO27188 |
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