Opis Z-axis: servo-electric, movable transverse to the machine its longitudinal axis, stroke: 1000mm, max. speed: 2m/s, max. handling weight: 5kg (sum of gripper, parts and G-axis), repeat accuracy: +/- 0.1mm. C-axis: pneumatic rotary axis: rotation range: 0°/90°. B-axis: pneumatic, swivel 90° to reduce the stroke of the Z-axis. Stroke extension of the Z-axis: to 1000 mm (for the version with B-axis). G-axis (gripper): Pneumatic drive, stroke length: 50 mm, end positions manually adjustable. Documentation available. |
Producent | Arburg |
Typ | Multilift H m. B-Achse |
Rok produkcji | 2019 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO26826 |
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