Opis Complete cup filling and sealing machine (year of manufacture 2019) with inkjet encoding, conveyor belt extension and dosing bar (incl. perlator inserts, year of manufacture 2020) used in the cheese industry. Filling temperature: Cold filling, round plastic bucket/plastic bucket/plastic bucket 2: Diameter 175mm x height 131mm/diameter 104mm x height 55mm or 65mm/diameter 227mm x height 194mm. Dimensions X/Y/Z and weight, without outfeed conveyor belt and shifting shank: 2200mm/2200mm/3200mm and approx. 3500kg. |
Producent | Grunwald |
Typ | ROTARY 12.000E |
Rok produkcji | 2019 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO26648 |
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