Opis X-travel: 2520mm, y-travel: 1550mm, z-travel: 300mm, max. sheet thickness: 12mm, max. workpiece weight: 330kg, cutting speed: 0-20m/min, controls: AMNC-F, connected load: 70kVA, weight: 7.5t, operating hours: 23,600h, with Resonator Fanuc AF 2000 E (LU 2.5), laser power: 2500W, laser wavelength: 10.6μm, with adaptive optics (Active Cut), sensor cutting head HS-2003, high-pressure cutting device (Clean Cut), aluminium cutting device (Alu Cut), focus point adjustment, gas pressure adjustment, resetting device, parts flap, extraction system, cooling unit, beam path rinsing and diode laser for positioning. |
Producent | Amada |
Typ | LC 2415 A IV |
Rok produkcji | 2008 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO25954 |
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