Opis There are three Concept Laser M1 3D printers available, year of construction machine 1/ 2/ 3: 2009/ 2010/ 2012, operational hours counter machine 1/ 2/ 3: 82,046/ 93,781/ 68,167h, with Laser Rofin StarFiber 200, water cooling, screening machine and documentation, at machine 1 the laser is broken and the machine is without optics, machine 2 is fully functional, machine 3 is fully functional, but a machine software error occurs regularly, which has to be fixed, afterwards production can always be continued, an inspection is possible, |
Producent | Concept Laser |
Typ | M1 |
Rok produkcji | 2012 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO25695 |
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