Opis Software: LErgoCAD 3D plus 1.2, operating hours: approx. 1900h, with relief designer, Impala 400 frequency converter, was replaced in 2007, S&M 21.49.59 AX spindle generator, was renewed in October 2012. Power depending on equipment max. 6 kW The system is complete, the 3-D pushbutton appears to have a ground fault, but is fully functional. Working area XxYxZ: 500x400x200 mm Clamping area: XxY: 640 x 540 mm No accessories available Pictures are not available at the moment Machine dimensions LxWxH: 1550x1620x1850 Machine dimensions opened LxWxH: 3110x1620x1850 mm |
Producent | Lang |
Typ | Impala 400 |
Rok produkcji | 2004 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO25361 |
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