Opis Includes measuring field S-075, calibration plate S, strip projection system LED (blue), 128 LP, lenses, 2x high-resolution 8. 0 MPixel digital camera with GigE interface, 3296x2472 pixels, lenses, filters, optoLINKII controller with USB interface, 10m cable, upgrade to integrated rack computer Intel® Xeon® processor, 64bit, 32GB RAM, 1TB SATA HDD, DVD +/-rw, graphics card, OPTOCAT measurement and evaluation software for Windows, laser pointer, flight case, closed system housing, M rotary/swivel unit with three-jaw chuck, certification for optical measurement system and system acceptance according to VDI / VDE 2634, the machine was hardly used. |
Producent | Hexagon |
Typ | smartSCAN-HE RE8 LED |
Rok produkcji | 2017 |
Cena | Na zapytanie |
Nr. oferty | INNO25321 |
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