A tower shearing plant is available, plant contains (1) Trough goods storage, for material stock approx. 100-150m, max. fabric width: 5000mm (2) Steamer Fleissner, stainless steel, max. fabric width: 5000mm. (3) Main Drive Roller Menschner, cast roller Monforts, year of construction: 1987 (4) Tower Shearing Machine Menschner NTS-T-III, year of construction: 1988, fabric width: 300x5500mm, with three shearing cylinders (5) Control panel for auxiliary drives, deflection, transition bridge, roller fabric storage ETF, year of construction: 1988, storage capacity: approx. 80 running meters, with two center controls Erhardt+Leimer.
Working width: 2300mm, max. roll diameter: 1500mm, working speed: 180m/min, including crane track and longitudinal cutting system, shaft, belt and wiring overhauled.