Two almost identical Andritz curved screening machines are available. 1) Andritz BW 1000, condition: as new in original packaging, screen width: 1100mm, wire spacing: 0,5mm, weight: 410kg, operating weight: 1100kg. 2) Andritz BW 2000, condition: overhauled by the manufacturer. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible.
A Grieser pilot plant vacuum dissolver for highly viscous liquids is available. Volume: 150l, dissolver output: 22kW, vacuum pump output: 2.2kW, toothed disk diameter: 250mm, toothed disk speed: 1800rpm. Including hydraulic unit for the lifting column, hopper, sight glass with lamp, product temperature sensor, explosion-proof design and switch cabinet with inert gas flushing. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible.
Three identical storage tanks from Ziemann Holvrieka are available, which are used in the brewing industry. Diameter: 1200mm, height: 2500mm, volume: approx. 2800l. Available from the end of Q4 2024.
A suction unit and cutting machine are available. Extraction unit Esta IG 24, dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 900mm/900mm/2000mm. Cutting machine Karl Tränklein PS 1200, dimensions X/Y/Z: approx. 1000mm/1000mm/750mm. On-site inspection is possible.
Various heating oil, VA containers and VA tanks are available. 1) Vertical VA tank with 5 feet, volume: 40m³, diameter: approx. 2500mm, height: approx. 6000mm. 2) Vertical VA tank with 5 feet, volume: 25m³, diameter: approx. 2500mm, height: approx. 4000mm. 3) Vertical VA tank with 5 feet, volume: 35m³, diameter: approx. 3000mm, height: approx. 5000mm. 4/5) Two double-walled VA tanks, volume: 50m³, diameter: approx. 3800mm, height: approx. 5500mm. Including agitator. 6) Transport tank mounted on container frame with 3 separate chambers, chamber volume: 4m³, total volume: 12m³, drain: central, cleaning: via spray heads. 7) Heating oil tank, volume: 30m³, diameter: approx. 2500mm, length: approx. 8000mm. 8) Heating oil tank, volume: 10m³, diameter: approx. 2000mm, length: approx. 4000mm. A further 7 (8-14) partly mobile V2A tanks with volumes from 1m³ to 11m³. A further 5 built-in VA sheet metal storage tanks, each with a volume of 20m³. Documentation available. On-site inspection is possible.